My 15 month trip in Africa IN PICTURES – PART (I.) – Cape Town

Honestly, I didn’t expect that Africa could be so stunning. I was amazed and so happy there 🙂

I started my long „trip“ in Africa last year (2018) in June when I arrived in Cape Town (South Africa) and the trip lasted unbelievable 15 months! 🙂

During the 15 months, I travelled around South Africa, Eswatini (before: Swaziland) and Mozambique. 🙂

And now you can experience these countries with me through my pictures! 🙂

Let’s start with Cape Town today! – maybe the most beautiful city in the world? 🙂

Obr.: Where exactly is Cape Town in South Africa? Check out the map 🙂 


This is Table Mountain – a natural landmark of Cape Town 🙂

It’s also a big tourist attraction because you have, of course, breathtaking views of the city from there. You can go up by cable car in 5 minutes for 500 Czech crowns or you can just hike up (difficult hiking) for free for maybe 3-4 hours. I prefered to go by cable car 😀


This is the view of Cape Town from * the Table Mountain! 🙂

rozhled na co = view of sth, výhled z něčeho  = view from sth. 


I was staying * with a local (in the middle of the photo) – COUCHSURFING (free accommodation + meeting other cultures) the first days, and it was the best start of my trip!  🙂
He picked me up at the airport late evening. The next day, he introduced me to these wonderful people (in the photo, Indian and Iranian) and showed us around Cape Town. Another day, we all went along the coast 🙂 ….Unforgettable experience  🙂

* STAY = bydlet (krátkodobě, např. hotel), LIVE = bydlet (dlouhodobě)


Preparing for a picnic during our trip along the Cape Town coast 🙂


There is a large colony of African penguins (peŋgwɪns) not so far from Cape Town (Boulders Beach)! 🙂 By the way, the colony has grown to about 3 000 birds! 🙂


Me and my new friend penguin 😀 🙂 ..well, actually not, it wanted to bite me 😀


And you can get pretty * close to them! 🙂 

* pretty – docela (také samozřejmě – pěkná)


Boulders Beach is a part of the Table Mountain National Park so the penguins are protected and they take care of them wel.l As you can see, they make them penguin „houses“ 🙂


Isn’t it just amazing to watch them? 🙂


This is the Cape of Good Hope, one of the most popular places in all of South Africa, although it’s not the southernmost point of Africa (it’s a common misconception). Anyway, we had to take a photo there! 😀 🙂


We met a few ostriches on the way back from the Cape of Good Hope! 🙂 Just in the wild 🙂


This is an amazing view of Hout Bay which is mostly famous for the harbour where you can watch seals 🙂


Well, who can say: I’ve kissed a seal?? 😀 ..Hout Bay harbour


Like a model 😀 🙂


This was my good friend Moffat from Malawi :), who worked in the hotel where I stayed 🙂

He was always so nice to me that he even thanked me for talking to him 😀 and I thanked him for listening to me 😀 ..oh, I loved our conversations 😀 🙂 By the way, another* view of Table Mountain 🙂

* another = se používá s j.č. počitatelným podstatným jménem 


This is Cape Town at night 🙂 The city is huge and very spread out because it’s surrounded by mountains. The population of the city is over 4 million people! And there are still a lot of people moving here because of * better job conditions and money.


Different kinds of food, different tastes, different smells….. different food worth travelling the world! 😀 🙂 … I tried some traditional food at the marketplace 🙂 Delicious! 🙂 And these guys were so nice to me that I had to take a picture with them 😀


WHITE friendly squirrel??? 🙂 So now nothing ever will surprise me in the world 😀 🙂


The sea around Cape Town is very cold, not just in winter (of course :D), but in summer too 🙁 . In summer, the temperature of the water is no more than 18 degrees! BUT you can find penguins, seals and even sharks in the water! Which is positive and it could be a nice experience *  😀

* experience = zážitek, zkušenost (zážitek je počitatelný, tak proto tam je – A nice experience)


I met an amazing woman from Iran here 🙂 …so nice, so friendly, so brave 🙂 …She was travelling around South Africa just by herself!!! 🙂


4 statues of 4 South Africans who received the Nobel Prize for the fight against Apartheid (racial segregation) which was there for 50 years!  – Klerk, Tutu, Luthuli, and of course, Nelson Mandela  🙂


We took this selfie after hiking up Lion’s head at night! (a low mountain in Cape Town) 🙂


This girl is German. She was travelling around South Africa just by herself! 🙂 …what a brave girl!  🙂

And now in Czech 🙂 :

S cestovní angličtinou se snažím pomáhat mimo jiné takto:

Doufám, že se vám můj článek líbil a ještě jste se něco naučili. O celém mém putování Afrikou jsem napsal cestopisný ebook v Angličtině AFRICAN SMILES: 15 months in Africa, kde si můžete daleko více přečíst o mém dobrodružství. Navíc tento ebook angličtinu i učí! 🙂

Můžete si i projít ebook, který vás provede těmi nejběžnějšími situacemi v zahraničí – ANGLIČTINA SBALENÁ NA CESTY. Ten vás bude prostě bavit 🙂

Shrnutí těch nejdůležitějších frází na dovolenou pro různé situace najdete v mém ebooku TAHÁK NA CESTY. Tohle je prostě rychlá pomůcka na cesty 🙂

Pokud máte problém s pochopením 4 základních časů, tak si můžete také zdarma stáhnout TAHÁK ZÁKLADNÍCH ČASŮ.  🙂

Pokud máte problém vůbec s učením se anglicky, tak vám určitě pomůže můj ebook zdarma:

A to je vše, co jsem vám chtěl 🙂

Mějte se hezky, milovníci cestování a angličtiny!  🙂

„Jsem profesionální online lektor angličtiny, který si cestuje po světě a učí své klienty cestovní angličtinu, a díky tomu se bez problémů dokáží domluvit v zahraničí.“ Můj životní příběh si můžete přečíst tady >>

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